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  1. 2014

    Born under François Hollande, Artefact does not exist in 2014. Yet the two unit to be later merged popped discreetly in Paris: Little Big Data with Guillaume and Philippe, Augusta with Vincent. They knew each other but did not date yet.

    When the second tiers of the company was still named Little Big Data…
    And meet Augusta, the third tiers of the current company
    At the time, pizza teams were mostly bigmac teams
  2. 2015

    After a few rendez-vous under the romantic light of neons of late night meetings, LBA and Augusta decided to merge to become Artefact.

    In financial communications, IKEA means growth
    Say hello to the cool kids of tech
    This is how I met your Artefact
  3. 2016

    The year of the blossoming of a vision : martech implementation demands consulting through operations and use cases.

    Cement bags and frowning mugs, say hello to the startup nation
    Fairs are fair for Pascal
    Beers and happiness
    Karaoking love
    French fries and big smiles, meet the love story between Artefact and Alps
    Travel retail, street wise
  4. 2017

    A big year for Artefact, welcoming Netbooster and a new creative unit.

    A pivotal year for the company, when Artefact teamed up with Netbooster
    Netbooster and Artefact honeymooning
    Dadding hard between two meetings
    First run between colleagues in Paris, Nicolas Ernoult and Jean Allary are the only survivor of this era
    Renting our current parisian HQ, rue Richer
    Renting our current parisian HQ, rue Richer
    Great place to work
    Already the 100th Artefactor
    Pass French Tech with the French Secretery of State
    Celebrating wins
    Moutaining, again
    Engie means love
    Samsung means Flo
    Carrefour with François
    Guillaume and Pascal in Hollywood
  5. 2018

    A year of acceleration and synergies with a simple and disruptive offer: consulting, media activation and creation.

    Samsung team is happy
    Philippe and Jean pitching Brainstormer, an (almost ready) revolutionary tool for generating ideas
    Fairs fairs fairs, starring Nikita this time
    Celebrating our first creative awards with Romain, François and Jean
    Dazed and amused
    Activation x crea joining for offsite in Amsterdam
    Another synergy at work; Germany, UK and France to pitch Ralph Lauren in NYC
    Bobun forever
    Celebrating wins
    Celebrating wins
    Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow
    Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow
    Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow
    Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow
    Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow
    Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow
  6. 2019

    40% of growth in two years, 2019 was the most skyrocketting year of our history!

    A year to reach for the sky
    A year to meet up in our brand new atrium rue Richer
    Music to your ears
    Wintersports, again
    Wintersports, again
    Wintersports, again
    Wintersports, again
    Wintersports, again
    And yet another party
    And another one
    And another one
  7. 2020

    The weird year. Where nothing changed since we were already Google Meet addicts. Yet it accelerated. Dramatically.

    A year full of unusual love
    A year full of unusual love
    A year full of unusual love
    Pitching with masks
  8. 2021

    The year of consolidation, we went out of quotation to belong to the tandem Ardian & Cathay Capital, two private equity funds. The project: becoming a world leader in data services.

    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Malaga off-site
    Artefact running the Paris 20K
    Carrefour IA Lab
    Carrefour IA Lab
    Oh look Flo partying
    A sneak peak at our very own village people
    Them are the 3000 people
    Xmas party at the Perchoir Ménilmontand
    Spirit of ADP
  9. 2022

    The 100M$ gross margin milestones is behind us, Artefact says hello to a new french friend: Startup Inside, teaming up with our adoption capability of School of data.

    Artefact winning Google Hackathon
    Artefact winning Google Hackathon
    Growth tribe summer party on a boat
    Off-site at La Palmyre
    Off-site at La Palmyre
    Off-site at La Palmyre
    Off-site at La Palmyre
    Off-site at La Palmyre
    Off-site at La Palmyre
    Startup Inside is joining the Artefact family, to become Artefact Open Innovation
    First edition of our french data mornings around the theme of Data Transformation
    First edition of our french data mornings around the theme of Data Transformation
    First edition of our french data mornings around the theme of Data Transformation
    A new boss for Artefact 3000
    Year ending in another mess brilliantly handled by Jérôme
    Year ending in another mess brilliantly handled by Jérôme
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
    Let’s not forget our 22’ Xmas Party at La Villette
  10. 2023

    Gen AI is there, our research center is there, momentum is there.

    Opening of our second office in Paris, rue Pierre Semard
    Data Morning #6 about genAI
    Data Morning #6 about genAI
    Artefact 3000 put some colors Paris-Orly to tell a green transition story
    It’s a first ! Artefact at Vivatech
    It’s a first ! Artefact at Vivatech
    It’s a first ! Artefact at Vivatech
    It’s a first ! Artefact at Vivatech
    It’s a first ! Artefact at Vivatech
    Summer Party at La Mazette
    Summer Party at La Mazette
    Summer Party at La Mazette
    Summer Party at La Mazette
    Summer Party at La Mazette
    Summer Party at La Mazette
    Summer Party at La Mazette
    June is about EKIDEN
    June is about EKIDEN
    Offsite at the Grande Motte
    Love and synergy between creation and activation
    Another joyful international marketing workshop
    Another joyful international marketing workshop
    Another joyful international marketing workshop
    23 is about genAI taking over
    Xmas Party at La Rotonde
    Xmas Party at La Rotonde
    Xmas Party at La Rotonde
    Xmas Party at La Rotonde
    Xmas Party at La Rotonde
    Xmas Party at La Rotonde
    Xmas Party at La Rotonde
    Xmas Party at La Rotonde
  11. 2024

    Our 10 years, celebrated thru the massive event Adopt AI in Station F, french biggest incubator, with the prestigious sponsor of Emmanuel Macron.

    Artefact Research Center grand opening
    Artefact Research Center grand opening
    Artefact Research Center grand opening
    Artefact Research Center grand opening
    Artefact Research Center grand opening
    Media partners working hard, playing hard
